Quick Start

Prepare your system by installing node

Install the CLI tool using npm:

npm install -g @ovotech/genesys-web-messaging-tester-cli

Testing with scripted dialogues

Write a dialogue script containing all the scenarios you wish to run along with the ID and region of your Web Messenger Deployment.


  deploymentId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  region: xxxx.pure.cloud
  "Accept Survey":
    - say: hi
    - waitForReplyContaining: Can we ask you some questions about your experience today?
    - say: Yes
    - waitForReplyMatching: Thank you! Now for the next question[\.]+
  "Decline Survey":
    - say: hi
    - waitForReplyContaining: Can we ask you some questions about your experience today?
    - say: No
    - waitForReplyContaining: Maybe next time. Goodbye
  "Provide Incorrect Answer to Survey Question":
    - say: hi
    - waitForReplyContaining: Can we ask you some questions about your experience today?
    - say: Not sure
    - waitForReplyContaining: Sorry I didn't understand you. Please answer with either 'yes' or 'no'
    - waitForReplyContaining: Can we ask you some questions about your experience today?

Then run the test by pointing to the dialogue script file in the terminal:

web-messaging-tester scripted tests/example.yml

Testing with AI

Start by setting up an API key for ChatGPT:

  1. Create an API key for OpenAI
  2. Set the key in the environment variable: OPENAI_API_KEY

Write a scenario file containing all the scenarios you wish to run along with the ID and region of your Web Messenger Deployment.

The scenarios are written as ChatGPT Prompts, these can take some fine-tuning to get right. The terminatingPhrases section defines the phrases you instruct ChatGPT to say to pass or fail a test.


  deploymentId: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  region: xxxx.pure.cloud
  "Accept survey":
      prompt: |
        I want you to play the role of a customer talking to a company's online chatbot. You must not
        break from this role, and all of your responses must be based on how a customer would realistically talk to a company's chatbot.

        To help you play the role of a customer consider the following points when writing a response:
        * Respond to questions with as few words as possible
        * Answer with the exact word when given options e.g. if asked to answer with either 'yes' or 'no' answer with either 'yes' or 'no' without punctuation, such as full stops

        As a customer you would like to leave feedback of a recent purchase of a light bulb you made where a customer service
        rep was very helpful in finding the bulb with the correct fitting.

        If at any point in the company's chatbot repeats itself then say the word 'FAIL'.

        If you have understood your role and the purpose of your conversation with the company's chatbot then say the word 'Hello'
        and nothing else.
        pass: ["PASS"]
        fail: ["FAIL"]

Then run the AI test by pointing to the scenario file in the terminal:

web-messaging-tester ai tests/example.yml

Example commands

$ web-messaging-tester scripted --help
Usage: web-messaging-tester scripted [options] <filePath>

  filePath                             Path of the YAML test-script file

  -id, --deployment-id <deploymentId>  Web Messenger Deployment's ID
  -r, --region <region>                Region of Genesys instance that hosts the Web Messenger Deployment
  -o, --origin <origin>                Origin domain used for restricting Web Messenger Deployment
  -p, --parallel <number>              Maximum scenarios to run in parallel (default: 1)
  -a, --associate-id                   Associate tests their conversation ID.
                                       This requires the following environment variables to be set for an OAuth client
                                       with the role conversation:webmessaging:view:
                                       GENESYSCLOUD_OAUTHCLIENT_SECRET (default: false)
  -fo, --failures-only                 Only output failures (default: false)
  -t, --timeout <number>               Seconds to wait for a response before
                                       failing the test (default: 10)
  -h, --help                           display help for command

Override Deployment ID and Region in test-script file:

web-messaging-tester scripted test-script.yaml -id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -r xxxx.pure.cloud

Run 10 scenarios in parallel:

web-messaging-tester scripted test-script.yaml --parallel 10

Copyright © 2023 Lucas Woodward