const session = new WebMessengerGuestSession({
  deploymentId: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
  region: 'xxxx.pure.cloud',

const convo = new Conversation(session);
await convo.waitForConversationToStart();

await convo.sendText('hi');

await convo.waitForResponseContaining('Please enter your account number');

await convo.sendText('123');

await convo.waitForResponseContaining('Your account number is too short. It is the 6 digit number on your bills');

Getting Started

Install using npm:

npm install -g @ovotech/genesys-web-messaging-tester

Then write a test. In the example below we test the validation of an account number:


const WebMsgTester = require('@ovotech/genesys-web-messaging-tester');

(async () => {
  const session = new WebMsgTester.WebMessengerGuestSession({
    deploymentId: process.env.DEPLOYMENT_ID,
    region: process.env.REGION,

  const convo = new WebMsgTester.Conversation(session);
  await convo.waitForConversationToStart();

  await convo.sendText('hi');

  await convo.waitForResponseWithTextContaining(
    'Can we ask you some questions about your experience today?',

  await convo.sendText('Yes');

  await convo.waitForResponseWithTextMatchingPattern(/Thank you! Now for the next question[.]+/im, {
    timeoutInSeconds: 10,

})().catch((e) => {
  throw e;

Finally, run the test by executing the script:

node examples/api/src/js-script.js


Messages sent between the client and Genesys’ server can be output by setting the environment variable:


Copyright © 2023 Lucas Woodward